Thursday, April 5, 2007


Online Quiz Results
Top of Form
Results Summary

Online Quiz Results :: Kemahiran Asas ICT
Your Score : 17/30

Online Quiz Results Summary

Your #Attempts
: 1
Total Class #Attempts
: 417
Your Quiz Score
: 17/30
Your Highest Score Ever
: 17
Note: This may not be your final marks. Due to some of the subjective and semi-objective questions (short essay and fill in the blank).
Bottom of Form

In 5.April 2007 in our tutorial class, we take the ujian ICT under Pusat Pembangunan Akademik.The question in the test was in Bahasa Melayu. The test is the asas level and we need to complete the test in 30 minutes. Before the test, the test looks easy because our respective tutor give us some guidelines to enter into the online test. Other than that, I think the test will be easy because the test was in Bahasa Melayu. But once I go through the question, the 3 first question was easy, and the rest of the question start made me confuse and most of my answer was unsure because all my ICT course was conducted in English and when the test conducted in Bahasa Melayu, it contribute confused about the definition. From 30 question I only got 17 correct and I am not happy with my mark for the test because some of the question I know the answer if the question was in English but because the question was in bahasa Melayu, I got wrong in that question. Even I am not happy with my score for the test, but I still feel that this online test was enjoyable because the test taker can see she or he result because of the online test immediate feedback ability. It helps us know our score in the same time when we take the test. Even though, the test taker know they results in the same time but the result not show the mistakes and give explanation about the mistakes that made by us. One problem that always happen in online test when student cheat, where they do not attend the class, give password to other friend, and let their friend take the test for them especially when the test were not involved any teacher or tutor around. Different with the test that we take in the tutorial class, where each student answer different question. This ensure that each student answer the question with their own without cheating.

For this course Language and ICT, I give 10 for the scale because I think this course was very informative and very useful course. My progress in ICT from nothing to something that I do not expect through this course. One main problem that always happened during this course was when it in tutorial session where the server so slow and sometimes hang or down. This kind of problem made our learning process cannot flow smoothly as in time. The facilities especially the computer was not enough for all student so not all the student can experiment some work with his or her own. All of these facilities must be enough to ensure that all students can experimental with a single computer. They do not have to share because not all the student in the same level in term of ICT knowledge sometimes they can corporate when their share computer but some student will feel uncomfortable when they share computer together. As a student who takes this ICT and Language course, I feel enjoy with this course, so I think I will keep my blog and continue blogging even after this course.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


As the need of ICT for lifelong learning development, many online assessments replaced

the traditional one such as answering in a piece of paper. Online assessment is an

  • evaluation that done using computer or tools to answer some questions. Using online test, can gives many advantages to students because of several reason:

  • It allows the portfolio owners to create and manage questions.
  • Other than that, the results of the test taker are kept in a databases built in the system so only the test taker know about he or she results. Besides the test taker, also know the result on the spot in that time.
  • Online assessment also makes the portfolio owner are able to select and make informed choices on whether to display certain quiz or test on certain time and date only because most of the student were busy.
  • We can specify and controlled the duration of the quiz.
    Online test also offer different types of level so the student can choose the online test according to they level.
  • If the student gets wrong, answer for the test nobody shouting at them because of the mistakes.

    Even there are so many advantages that student gets from online test but it still bring some disadvantages such as:
  • The first disadvantages are the environment factors such as noisy that came from outside can disturb student attention and concentration during the online test.
  • It also involved limitation of time where the student must be inform where and which place they will take the online test and it maybe clash with lecture and tutorial class.
  • Another disadvantages was involved the instruction that given in the online test. Sometimes the instruction to short so the student could not understand overall about the question that will given.
  • Because the online test give the same format and question, most of the student like to make cheat sheets with practice the question so many times and try to memorize all the answer. It can make the student get all correct answer without do any effort such as read any book.
  • Most of the student also can cheat with use another person password in case some of the student cannot attend the test in time, they only give the password to other student, and they can get the marks for the test.
  • Most of the question in online test was in multiple choice and its not develop writing skills among student and if this happened in all course, the entire student must have problem in writing skills.
  • During the online test also, sometimes because of technical reason the student could not finish the test because the server down, slow or hang.
  • Not everyone have excellent typing skills or knowledge about ICT especially student from the rural area who are not familiar with this kind of test get a lot of problem to take the test because they type slower than another student.

    Many actions must be taking to avoid all this disadvantages:
  • All of the online test pages must be up graded every 3 month so the format of the questions changes and up to date. With this upgraded student cannot memorize the answer.
  • The instruction also must be crystal clear so whoever doing the test have no problem to understand and answer the question that given.
  • To avoid the student cheat with use another person password, the online test must given more sophisticated technology such as voice recognition, retina recognition and thumbnail recognition.
  • The online test also must have an automated oral and written essay marking capabilities.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

effects of application of ICT in language learning

In this forth blog posting we need to find the material in Tun Sri Lanang library. We has been given three topic; 1. Prospect of online lifelong learning, 2. application of ict in language learning and 3. e- Learning for language studies. From this three topic I choose the second topic which is application of ict in language learning
This forth blog we need to find any information from the topic given to us using internet online databases to complete our assignment. First we must have our own password and identification using thumb print. For me finding information using online databases was more difficult than usually engine search that we use such as Yahoo and Google. This is because if we want some information we must use the right keyword if not the databases will not accept the word that we given and ask for other keyword which is more specific and the databases can recognize.
The server also slow made our searching for one topic take one and half hour. Maybe this is because all of the student search for the same information in the same time. Using journal article in title ( personalization in web-based learning environment ). I will summarize the effects of application of ict in language learning. This article which is came from Lisa databases presents how students get a lot of information with only push certain button and their gain a lot of information. Other than that, application of ict in language learning let the student to enter some web and learn to pronoun English correctly. This is very useful especially to the English student.
The most concerned of application of ict in language learning was the lack of personalization among student. They only face to face with computer without communicate and when the time for interview, most of them were failed because lack of communication. As a result, application of ict in language learning give not only good effects but also give bad effects in term of communication.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

third blog- BLOGGING


In her writing in page 309, it was a research among trainee teacher about journal writing or blogging to understand the blog postings from the point of view of the informants.

The researches use two part questionnaire. In the first part the researcher present the quantitative information derived from both the questionnaire and the analysis of the trainee teacher posting in their blog. In part 2, qualitative data was derived though content analysis of the trainee teacher’s blog.

From the questionnaire, the finding show that blogging gave the teacher trainee opportunity to express their opinions, share ideas, help them to develop confidence in expressing their own viewpoints, say things they would not have said in class and also ask questions they would not have asked in face to face discussion.

It also become an avenue from them to communicate both to their peers and the course instructors certain views and thoughts. Blogging also enabled to reflect on their experience indicate that most of them were not merely recalling or describing without any evidende of reflection. Some say that blogging enabled them to recall what they had learned in the class.

Other than that, it also facilitated critical thinking also indicates the level of reflection in their blogs, and it is effective for teachers professional development. With writing they own blogs motivated to develop new pedagogical skills and gain pedagogical knowledge. Another important finding from the questionnaire that given to the teacher trainee show that blogs was their explicit expression of their anxiety during the simulated teaching sessions. Te also aware about how they are being evaluated and most of them indicates that they would continue blogging after the course. This is the result of their positive attitude towards blogging.

When I was introduced for language and information technology course, I learn about blog and blogging in week 6. From my understanding blog is web page or software that similar with personal diary but the differ is our writing can be publish as other references. At the beginning to create my own blog I had many problem because I was unfamiliar with internet and ict but at last with other friend help, I successfully ctreate my own blog.

THIS IS THE INFORMATION THAT I SEARCH IN INTERNET ABOUT THE ADVANTAGES AND THE DISADVANTAGES OF BLOG BY GERRY MCGOVERNIsn’t it interesting that some of the most significant ‘revolutions’ of the last twenty years have all had to do with writing? How retro is that? First we had email, then webpages, then mobile phone texting, and now blogs. All this reflects a trend whereby the world is becoming more formal in how it communicates. Instead of body language and endless conversations, communication has shifted towards endless words on a screen.Bloggers are people with attitude. They say there’s a book inside everybody. Well, the Web and blogs have let the book out! There has literally been an explosion of opinion. Traditionally, public relations was about honing a silvery message that communicated exactly what the organization wanted us to hear. Now, we can hear all sorts of voices on the subject. It’s true democracy at work.The advantages of blogs from an organizational perspective include the following:
The consumer and citizen are potentially better informed and this can only be good for the long-term health of our societies and economies.
Blogs have potential to help the organization develop stronger relationships and brand loyalty with its customers, as they interact with the ‘human face’ of the organization through blogs.
Blogs, in an intranet environment, can be an excellent way of sharing knowledge within the organization.
Blogs can be a positive way of getting feedback, and keeping your finger on the pulse, as readers react to certain pieces, suggest story ideas, etc.
Blogs can build the profile of the writer, showcasing the organization as having talent and expertise.
The disadvantages of blogs are:
Most people don’t have very much to say that’s interesting, and/or are unable to write down their ideas in a compelling and clear manner. I have often found that the people who have most time to write have least to say, and the people who have most to say don’t have enough time to write it. Thus, the real expertise within the organization lays hidden, as you get drowned in trivia.
Like practically everything else on the Web, blogs are easy to start and hard to maintain. Writing coherently is one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks for a human being to undertake. So, far from blogs being a cheap strategy, they are a very expensive one, in that they eat up time. As a result, many blogs are not updated, thus damaging rather than enhancing the reputation of the organization.
Organizations are not democracies. The Web makes many organizations look like disorganizations, with multiple tones and opinions. Contrary to what some might think, the average customer prefers it if the organization they are about to purchase from is at least somewhat coherent
Besides, during this blogging activity I learn to give more idea smoothly in writing where I can elaborate all my points without worrying about my grammatical error because I wrote and check my blog for several time so that I do not made any grammatical error.
But one thing that I concerned about was even we are exposed to skills towards the blogging, but as a concerned all the students will lack in communication or can not speak effectively because exposed too much with computer without oral skills.
But for me there are many advantages of blog such as:
Blogs are probably the easiest way to have a website. With blog software, it literally takes minutes to have a professional looking site up and running.
You don't need expensive or complicated web editors or web design software to create a blog. Blog vendors offer you a variety of templates we can choose from..
Blog software allows us to post online, which means that we won't need to bother with FTP software. This also means that we can post anywhere, not just from our own computer. Blog's software will automatically move our most recent post to the top, while archiving older posts by date or by topic, so we don't ever have to bother to move web pages around.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Concordance is a software or tools that can be used to help analyze the language data available. In this article, the writer tries to present the relevance of corpus data in investigating language development without having to analyze concordances lines. Writer used a local learner corpus in order to highlight the existence of such corpora as well as the efficacy of these corpora in corpus-based studies. As we know language corpus had been used as the basis of dictionaries and teaching materials. There are many available concordances available such as Wordsmith, MonoConc Pro and Micro concord. Other than that, there is new software such as RANGE, which is developed by practitioners in linguistic, provided, and additional perspectives to corpus studies.

For this second blog we made some discussion among four student.and our discussion was based on the article on page 70 in OLT book.This article investigates language development based on data in the EMAS corpus using language production as well as lexical variety as indicator of development. This is EMAS corpus was collected in 2002 and consists of close to half a million words including untagged and unedited learner corpus that contain written data by about 800 students. This experiment involved students from year 5 of primarily school education, form 1 and form four who are average in English language proficiency. In this study all the student must write 3 types of essay based on picture series, the happiest day of my life and one essay selected by the teacher from the essays that respondent s had completed as part of their regular schoolwork. The study examines language development by comparing the performance of the 3 age’s groups about their language productivity and vocabulary use.
In term of language productivity, it indicated number of sentences per essay and the words per sentence. The results show the increase on the number of sentences per essay and words per sentence from the primary five to form 4 show that the older student cognitive maturity and produce more complex sentences. Another aspect that include in this study is range of vocabulary where the writer try to investigate about diversity of vocabulary used in a corpus by calculating the type of token ratio. A larger type to token is interpreted as an indication of a wider range of language used. Uncommon words tend not to be used frequently. The type to token ratio gradually show increases from the lower to the higher age groups. This shows that the oldest respondents use a wider range of vocabulary in their essays.

Another criterion that include in this study was the sophistication of the study. This can be determined by using specialized software such as RANGE, the analysis program that gives and indication of the kind of vocabulary used. This program analyzes text by comparing it to several base lists of frequently used words. First, it includes the most frequent 1000 words in English, second it included second most frequent 1000 words and the third includes the words not in the first 2000 words in the two previous lists but are frequent in upper secondary and university levels from a wide range of subjects and this include form of words and derived forms. From the three group students, a large of words used by the primary 5 students in the first category of most frequently 1000 English words. The percentages of both form1 and 4 is relatively smaller. This indicates that not only do the older age groups tend to use a wider range of words, but the word that they use also more sophisticated.

Monday, March 5, 2007


E-mail, sms and chat was the examples of online communication. There are many similarities and differences between these three types of communication. All the similarities and differences are show in the table below.

Email and sms are both store and forward, system that utilize a gateway to pass.

The ovious difference between sms, email and chat are length or complexity of the messages that can be sent on the respective systems.

Three of these language was communication between humans over media enabled by computer Networks. These provide platforms where eventhough written text is used as a means of communication the language used is slighty different such as use of acronyms, shorter word representations, spelling which indicate the way in which the word is spoken simultaneous and multiple contexts.

Maximum size of a sms message is usually 160 characters (actual size is dependent on the service provider). The messages are limited to text and numeral characters. Graphics, colour, html formatting and file attachments are not allowed. Email and chats can contain thousands of character and allows the use of Html formatting, files to b attached and images to be embedded within the message. Chats allows us to conduct real-time text cinversations with people who are simultaneously connected to the internet and in some cases, allow to transfer of files.

In this three type of language the user interfaces are envolving a unique language through multimedia. It is a combination of signs, layouts, viual representations, sounds, metaphors, animations, mnemonics, user, domain lexions, and dynamic and interactive objects. The symbolic representations can also be multi sensory of multimedia. User interfaces are envolving a kind of body language through behaviour and mannerisms to address the anthropomorphic needs of human beings.

In email messages one often dyadic (between two people). Even though text can be sent to multiple audiences it is on a one to one basis. Writer control of topic in the sense they cannot be interrupted half way through the message and there is no need or opportunity for the audience to respond with minima responces. The essay can be as long as its needs to be. It different with chat room where there may be many participant interacting and several threads of conversation co-existing. People can’t quite talk at once because only one textline at a time appears on the screen nor can they focus on a conversations with one other participant unless they break off from the group and get into another room. Dialogue may be standed with several threads and a reply may refer to a comment several messages back. In email or sms the writer can choose whom to communicate with in many cases it will be someone they know over a period of time and in a variety of situation context.

All less formal than writing and that correct spelling is no longer important, that it is faster than writing but allows us to read it at leisure, that it’s more of a dialogue than a letter but it leaves record.

In chat, people can pair off in a new room but there may be less choice of influence over the participants and much less knowledge about them. Email conversation appears private. Chat have many forms of chat are referred by a participant or operator with access to technology that can exclude people from the group, eject them or silence them. Other participants may also have access to the technological version of sticking their fingers in their ears by placing them in a kill file. Chat is a real-time typed conversation that takes place on a computer. We and the people whom we are conversing are online at the same time. As you type on keyboard, a line of characters and symbols is displayed on the computer screen. Others connected to the same chat room server also what you

Other than that, clues about intonation and loudness cannot be conveyed orally. All the writing is spacebound, static and permanent. All these language can act as a record to be revisited and re-read of leisure.
have typed. Some chat rooms support voice chats and video charts, in which people hear or see each other as they chat.