Monday, March 5, 2007


E-mail, sms and chat was the examples of online communication. There are many similarities and differences between these three types of communication. All the similarities and differences are show in the table below.

Email and sms are both store and forward, system that utilize a gateway to pass.

The ovious difference between sms, email and chat are length or complexity of the messages that can be sent on the respective systems.

Three of these language was communication between humans over media enabled by computer Networks. These provide platforms where eventhough written text is used as a means of communication the language used is slighty different such as use of acronyms, shorter word representations, spelling which indicate the way in which the word is spoken simultaneous and multiple contexts.

Maximum size of a sms message is usually 160 characters (actual size is dependent on the service provider). The messages are limited to text and numeral characters. Graphics, colour, html formatting and file attachments are not allowed. Email and chats can contain thousands of character and allows the use of Html formatting, files to b attached and images to be embedded within the message. Chats allows us to conduct real-time text cinversations with people who are simultaneously connected to the internet and in some cases, allow to transfer of files.

In this three type of language the user interfaces are envolving a unique language through multimedia. It is a combination of signs, layouts, viual representations, sounds, metaphors, animations, mnemonics, user, domain lexions, and dynamic and interactive objects. The symbolic representations can also be multi sensory of multimedia. User interfaces are envolving a kind of body language through behaviour and mannerisms to address the anthropomorphic needs of human beings.

In email messages one often dyadic (between two people). Even though text can be sent to multiple audiences it is on a one to one basis. Writer control of topic in the sense they cannot be interrupted half way through the message and there is no need or opportunity for the audience to respond with minima responces. The essay can be as long as its needs to be. It different with chat room where there may be many participant interacting and several threads of conversation co-existing. People can’t quite talk at once because only one textline at a time appears on the screen nor can they focus on a conversations with one other participant unless they break off from the group and get into another room. Dialogue may be standed with several threads and a reply may refer to a comment several messages back. In email or sms the writer can choose whom to communicate with in many cases it will be someone they know over a period of time and in a variety of situation context.

All less formal than writing and that correct spelling is no longer important, that it is faster than writing but allows us to read it at leisure, that it’s more of a dialogue than a letter but it leaves record.

In chat, people can pair off in a new room but there may be less choice of influence over the participants and much less knowledge about them. Email conversation appears private. Chat have many forms of chat are referred by a participant or operator with access to technology that can exclude people from the group, eject them or silence them. Other participants may also have access to the technological version of sticking their fingers in their ears by placing them in a kill file. Chat is a real-time typed conversation that takes place on a computer. We and the people whom we are conversing are online at the same time. As you type on keyboard, a line of characters and symbols is displayed on the computer screen. Others connected to the same chat room server also what you

Other than that, clues about intonation and loudness cannot be conveyed orally. All the writing is spacebound, static and permanent. All these language can act as a record to be revisited and re-read of leisure.
have typed. Some chat rooms support voice chats and video charts, in which people hear or see each other as they chat.

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