Tuesday, March 20, 2007

third blog- BLOGGING


In her writing in page 309, it was a research among trainee teacher about journal writing or blogging to understand the blog postings from the point of view of the informants.

The researches use two part questionnaire. In the first part the researcher present the quantitative information derived from both the questionnaire and the analysis of the trainee teacher posting in their blog. In part 2, qualitative data was derived though content analysis of the trainee teacher’s blog.

From the questionnaire, the finding show that blogging gave the teacher trainee opportunity to express their opinions, share ideas, help them to develop confidence in expressing their own viewpoints, say things they would not have said in class and also ask questions they would not have asked in face to face discussion.

It also become an avenue from them to communicate both to their peers and the course instructors certain views and thoughts. Blogging also enabled to reflect on their experience indicate that most of them were not merely recalling or describing without any evidende of reflection. Some say that blogging enabled them to recall what they had learned in the class.

Other than that, it also facilitated critical thinking also indicates the level of reflection in their blogs, and it is effective for teachers professional development. With writing they own blogs motivated to develop new pedagogical skills and gain pedagogical knowledge. Another important finding from the questionnaire that given to the teacher trainee show that blogs was their explicit expression of their anxiety during the simulated teaching sessions. Te also aware about how they are being evaluated and most of them indicates that they would continue blogging after the course. This is the result of their positive attitude towards blogging.

When I was introduced for language and information technology course, I learn about blog and blogging in week 6. From my understanding blog is web page or software that similar with personal diary but the differ is our writing can be publish as other references. At the beginning to create my own blog I had many problem because I was unfamiliar with internet and ict but at last with other friend help, I successfully ctreate my own blog.

THIS IS THE INFORMATION THAT I SEARCH IN INTERNET ABOUT THE ADVANTAGES AND THE DISADVANTAGES OF BLOG BY GERRY MCGOVERNIsn’t it interesting that some of the most significant ‘revolutions’ of the last twenty years have all had to do with writing? How retro is that? First we had email, then webpages, then mobile phone texting, and now blogs. All this reflects a trend whereby the world is becoming more formal in how it communicates. Instead of body language and endless conversations, communication has shifted towards endless words on a screen.Bloggers are people with attitude. They say there’s a book inside everybody. Well, the Web and blogs have let the book out! There has literally been an explosion of opinion. Traditionally, public relations was about honing a silvery message that communicated exactly what the organization wanted us to hear. Now, we can hear all sorts of voices on the subject. It’s true democracy at work.The advantages of blogs from an organizational perspective include the following:
The consumer and citizen are potentially better informed and this can only be good for the long-term health of our societies and economies.
Blogs have potential to help the organization develop stronger relationships and brand loyalty with its customers, as they interact with the ‘human face’ of the organization through blogs.
Blogs, in an intranet environment, can be an excellent way of sharing knowledge within the organization.
Blogs can be a positive way of getting feedback, and keeping your finger on the pulse, as readers react to certain pieces, suggest story ideas, etc.
Blogs can build the profile of the writer, showcasing the organization as having talent and expertise.
The disadvantages of blogs are:
Most people don’t have very much to say that’s interesting, and/or are unable to write down their ideas in a compelling and clear manner. I have often found that the people who have most time to write have least to say, and the people who have most to say don’t have enough time to write it. Thus, the real expertise within the organization lays hidden, as you get drowned in trivia.
Like practically everything else on the Web, blogs are easy to start and hard to maintain. Writing coherently is one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks for a human being to undertake. So, far from blogs being a cheap strategy, they are a very expensive one, in that they eat up time. As a result, many blogs are not updated, thus damaging rather than enhancing the reputation of the organization.
Organizations are not democracies. The Web makes many organizations look like disorganizations, with multiple tones and opinions. Contrary to what some might think, the average customer prefers it if the organization they are about to purchase from is at least somewhat coherent
Besides, during this blogging activity I learn to give more idea smoothly in writing where I can elaborate all my points without worrying about my grammatical error because I wrote and check my blog for several time so that I do not made any grammatical error.
But one thing that I concerned about was even we are exposed to skills towards the blogging, but as a concerned all the students will lack in communication or can not speak effectively because exposed too much with computer without oral skills.
But for me there are many advantages of blog such as:
Blogs are probably the easiest way to have a website. With blog software, it literally takes minutes to have a professional looking site up and running.
You don't need expensive or complicated web editors or web design software to create a blog. Blog vendors offer you a variety of templates we can choose from..
Blog software allows us to post online, which means that we won't need to bother with FTP software. This also means that we can post anywhere, not just from our own computer. Blog's software will automatically move our most recent post to the top, while archiving older posts by date or by topic, so we don't ever have to bother to move web pages around.

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