Sunday, March 25, 2007

effects of application of ICT in language learning

In this forth blog posting we need to find the material in Tun Sri Lanang library. We has been given three topic; 1. Prospect of online lifelong learning, 2. application of ict in language learning and 3. e- Learning for language studies. From this three topic I choose the second topic which is application of ict in language learning
This forth blog we need to find any information from the topic given to us using internet online databases to complete our assignment. First we must have our own password and identification using thumb print. For me finding information using online databases was more difficult than usually engine search that we use such as Yahoo and Google. This is because if we want some information we must use the right keyword if not the databases will not accept the word that we given and ask for other keyword which is more specific and the databases can recognize.
The server also slow made our searching for one topic take one and half hour. Maybe this is because all of the student search for the same information in the same time. Using journal article in title ( personalization in web-based learning environment ). I will summarize the effects of application of ict in language learning. This article which is came from Lisa databases presents how students get a lot of information with only push certain button and their gain a lot of information. Other than that, application of ict in language learning let the student to enter some web and learn to pronoun English correctly. This is very useful especially to the English student.
The most concerned of application of ict in language learning was the lack of personalization among student. They only face to face with computer without communicate and when the time for interview, most of them were failed because lack of communication. As a result, application of ict in language learning give not only good effects but also give bad effects in term of communication.

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