Thursday, April 5, 2007


Online Quiz Results
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Results Summary

Online Quiz Results :: Kemahiran Asas ICT
Your Score : 17/30

Online Quiz Results Summary

Your #Attempts
: 1
Total Class #Attempts
: 417
Your Quiz Score
: 17/30
Your Highest Score Ever
: 17
Note: This may not be your final marks. Due to some of the subjective and semi-objective questions (short essay and fill in the blank).
Bottom of Form

In 5.April 2007 in our tutorial class, we take the ujian ICT under Pusat Pembangunan Akademik.The question in the test was in Bahasa Melayu. The test is the asas level and we need to complete the test in 30 minutes. Before the test, the test looks easy because our respective tutor give us some guidelines to enter into the online test. Other than that, I think the test will be easy because the test was in Bahasa Melayu. But once I go through the question, the 3 first question was easy, and the rest of the question start made me confuse and most of my answer was unsure because all my ICT course was conducted in English and when the test conducted in Bahasa Melayu, it contribute confused about the definition. From 30 question I only got 17 correct and I am not happy with my mark for the test because some of the question I know the answer if the question was in English but because the question was in bahasa Melayu, I got wrong in that question. Even I am not happy with my score for the test, but I still feel that this online test was enjoyable because the test taker can see she or he result because of the online test immediate feedback ability. It helps us know our score in the same time when we take the test. Even though, the test taker know they results in the same time but the result not show the mistakes and give explanation about the mistakes that made by us. One problem that always happen in online test when student cheat, where they do not attend the class, give password to other friend, and let their friend take the test for them especially when the test were not involved any teacher or tutor around. Different with the test that we take in the tutorial class, where each student answer different question. This ensure that each student answer the question with their own without cheating.

For this course Language and ICT, I give 10 for the scale because I think this course was very informative and very useful course. My progress in ICT from nothing to something that I do not expect through this course. One main problem that always happened during this course was when it in tutorial session where the server so slow and sometimes hang or down. This kind of problem made our learning process cannot flow smoothly as in time. The facilities especially the computer was not enough for all student so not all the student can experiment some work with his or her own. All of these facilities must be enough to ensure that all students can experimental with a single computer. They do not have to share because not all the student in the same level in term of ICT knowledge sometimes they can corporate when their share computer but some student will feel uncomfortable when they share computer together. As a student who takes this ICT and Language course, I feel enjoy with this course, so I think I will keep my blog and continue blogging even after this course.

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